TDHCA has scheduled the dates for its 2023 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) Work Groups and Roundtables. Details, dates, and registration on the Work Groups and Roundtables follow:
Three topic-specific Work Groups have been scheduled, and are designed to provide a forum for in-depth discussion and drafting. The Work Groups are intended to result in staff having enough information to release revisions on the topic for further discussion and to develop the 2023 QAP. The QAP Development Plan noted that the Work Groups would convene multiple times. Initially, one Work Group session per topic is scheduled. If during a session, it’s evident that further discussion is needed prior to drafting any language, one or more subsequent sessions may be scheduled. A briefing document will be provided prior to the Work Group session.
It should be noted that while these Work Groups are open to anyone, as the number of attendees increases, conversation, and productive engagement dialogue may be reduced, thus affecting the ultimate products resulting from the Work Groups. For this reason, TDHCA asks that organizations consider sending only one representative to attend the workgroups if it is practical to do so.
–Work Group 1: Proximity to Jobs
Thursday, March 31, 2022, 1:30 to 3 p.m., Austin Local Time. Register at
The discussion will include the following: whether the scoring item should be removed entirely (jobs numbers used are not necessarily jobs that tenants fill, so proximity to jobs may be less effective than intended, no consideration for remote jobs and commuting, etc.); whether the focus on jobs could be integrated into High Opportunity scoring; if the scoring item is retained, whether the radii used should be revised, discussion of rural vs. urban, and discussion of interplay with High Opportunity scoring; and possibly other ways to meet a similar intent within the constraints of available statewide data.
–Work Group 2: Underserved and Tax Credit Density Points
Thursday, April 28, 2022, 1:30 to 3 p.m., Austin Local Time. Register at
The discussion will include existing and possible alternative or additional approaches to the current policy of not allowing two awards in one census tract. The focus will be given to ensuring that communities historically underserved with tax credits are prioritized and that developers are not all driven to only a small number of tracts. Ideas may include: allowing more than one award in a tract if it includes CRP or HO; using tax credits per capita as a tie-breaker; creating points for underserved counties; identifying ways for some cities in a region to not always lose out to other cities in that same region (example: Victoria unable to compete with Corpus); applicability between rural and urban; how the no award in a period of time (15 or 30 years) is calculated; and possible shift toward tax credit density per tract.
–Work Group 3: Tenant Right of First Refusal
Thursday, May 26, 2022, 1:30 to 3 p.m., Austin Local Time. Register at
Because we expect this Tenant Right of First Refusal scoring item to remain in the QAP, this discussion will include concerns and then identification of ways to address or mitigate applicant concerns; whether this should only be allowable if properties are organized as condominiums and when that condominium structure must be put in place; how a property would establish that a participating tenant’s rent may be attributed to the purchase of a Unit; providing more specificity on what the Applicant must provide on how they will implement the ‘rent-to-own’ activity; how they will make tenants aware of the opportunity and when; and how they will implement the right at the end of the Compliance Period.
TDHCA will host three in-person roundtables to discuss the 2023 QAP. The Roundtables will be held at the dates and times provided below. An agenda will be released in advance of each Roundtable. We request that you register at the link for each Roundtable so that we can gauge the number of attendees expected.
Wednesday, March 30, 2022
1 to 4 p.m., Austin Local Time
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
9 a.m. to noon, Austin Local Time
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
1 to 4 p.m., Austin Local Time
All three Roundtables will be at the following location:
HHSC Winters Building, located at 701 W. 51st Street, in Room 125W/125C, Austin, TX 78751
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you!