
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) Multifamily Compliance Division hosted a webinar on August 9, 2024, covering Utility Allowances.

The webinar, presented by Compliance staff, outlined the requirements of 10 TAC Section 10.614 with regards to Utility Allowances and the Multifamily Compliance programs.  The presentation included detailed information and examples pertaining to Utility Allowance process and requirements for the affordable housing programs monitored by the Multifamily Compliance Division at TDHCA.

The webinar and applicable handout are now available online at https://www.tdhca.texas.gov/compliance-program-training-presentations.

If you have any questions about the webinar and/or open forum, please contact Cara Pollei at 512-475-3821 or by email at [email protected].