The TDHCA Board convened their board meeting on March 11, 2021. This meeting was held in a virtual format as authorized by Executive Order of the Governor. See below for a summary of the board actions.
- Review and possible acceptance of the State Auditor’s Office audit of the TDHCA Financial Statement State Auditor’s Office b) Report on the meeting of the Internal Audit and Finance Committee Sharon Thomason Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee
-Board approves staff recommendation to approve state audit
Media Analysis and Outreach Report January 2021 Michael Lyttle Director of External Affairs
- a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on proposed amendments to 10 TAC Chapter 7 Subchapter C, Section 7.33, Apportionment of ESG Funds, concerning the Emergency Solutions Grants, and directing their publication for public comment in the Texas Register
Direct award to existing 2020 recipients to release funds more quickly. This is a one time change would not continue in 2022.
Board approves amendments
- b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a transfer and change of final eligible use for property purchased under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program to the City of Dallas for creation and expansion of municipal parkland
-Board approves staff recommendation to transfer and change the purpose on the NSP tract of land in Dallas referenced in the item.
Housing Finance Activity Report
- a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Resolution No. 21-017 authorizing the filing of one or more applications for reservation with the Texas Bond Review Board with respect to qualified mortgage bonds, authorizing state debt application, and containing other provisions relating to the subject
-Board approves staff recommendation to adopt the bond resolution
- b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Resolution No. 21-018 authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2021A and Residential Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021B (Taxable), approving the form and substance of related documents, authorizing the execution of documents and instruments necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this resolution, and containing other provisions relating to the subject
-Board approves issuance of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs Residential Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Series 2021A and Residential Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2021B (Taxable)
- c) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Inducement Resolution No. 21-019 for Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds Regarding Authorization for Filing Applications for Private Activity Bond Authority
21610 Delafield Villas Dallas
-Board approves staff recommendation to adopt the bond inducement resolution for Delafield Villas in Dallas.
- d) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Issuance of Multifamily Green Tax-Exempt Bonds (Green M-TEBS – Pineview at Grogan’s Mill Apartments) Series 2021, Resolution No. 21-020, and a Determination Notice of Housing Tax Credits
Board approves staff recommendation to approve the bonds and 4% housing tax credits for the proposed transactions - e) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the Issuance of Multifamily Green Tax-Exempt Bonds (Green M-TEBS – Ridgewood at Panther Creek Apartments) Series 2021, Resolution No. 21-021, and a Determination Notice of Housing Tax Credits
Board approves staff recommendation to approve the bonds and 4% housing tax credits for the proposed transactions
- a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a Determination Notice for Housing Tax Credits and an Award of Direct Loan Funds (#21407 Espero Austin at Rutland, Austin) Marni Holloway Director of Multifamily Finance
-Board approves staff recommendation on Item 9a to award the Direct Loan funds and 4% housing tax credits for Espero Austin at Rutland.
- b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding the issuance of a Determination Notice for 4% Housing Tax Credits for Sandpiper Cove (#20705) in Galveston Teresa Morales Director of Multifamily Bonds
-Board approves staff recommendation to award 4% housing tax credits for Sandpiper Cove in Galveston.
- a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action approving actions taken by the Executive Director, and authorizing the Executive Director to take further special actions to meet the emergency needs of low-income Texans economically impacted by Winter Storm Uri using federal funds administered by the Community Affairs Division
-Board approves staff recommendation on Item 10a to provide staff flexibility in serving the needs of impacted Texans from Winter Storm Uri.
- b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on approval of the draft 2021 Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program state plan for public comment
-Board approves staff recommendation on Item 10b to adopt the draft plan and send it out for public comment
- c) Presentation, discussion and possible action on the amendment of Community Services Block Grant CARES Act discretionary contracts from the Texas Eviction Diversion Pilot program to Community Services Block Grant CARES Act direct service activities
-Board approves staff recommendation to adopt the amendment on the re-purposing of the funds.
- d) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding termination of Galveston County Community Action Council, Inc.’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program contracts and future funding; award of 24.99% of the 2020 and CARES Act Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program awards for the service area covered by Galveston County Community Action Council, Inc., to temporary provider(s); and the authorization of staff to identify a permanent provider(s), through release and subsequent award of a Request for Application or through a direct designation, to administer the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program in Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, and Wharton counties (the areas served by Galveston County Community Action Council, Inc.)
-Board approves staff recommendation to terminate GCCAC’s CEAP contracts, remove GCCAC status as CEAP designated permanent provider, and find a temporary provider of these funds.
- e) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on initiation of proceedings to remove the eligible entity status of Galveston County Community Action Council, Inc. and terminate Community Services Block Grant contracts and future funding
-Board approves staff recommendation to initiate proceedings to terminate GCCAC’s status as an eligible entity to provide CSBG funds.