

  1. Currently, bond funds are limited for use on “public works”
  2. Proposition A would expand its use to “any other public purpose not prohibited by the Texas Constitution”
  3. Affordable housing projects could now be included in the upcoming 2022-2027 bond program

From KSAT.com

A majority of San Antonio voters have approved Proposition A, which will expand the ways San Antonio can use bond money.

Roughly 58% of the voters voted in favor of Proposition A, while 41% voted against it.

Currently, the city charter language restricts bond dollars to “public works,” limiting how the money can be used.

Under Proposition A, that language would be expanded to include “any other public purpose not prohibited by the Texas Constitution,” putting San Antonio in line with every other major Texas city.

With the voters’ approval of the charter amendment, housing affordability projects could be in included in the upcoming 2022-2027 bond program.