
On September 18, HUD released a notice that extends the compliance date for HUD’s National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) final rule for Community Planning and Development (CPD) programs. Specifically, HUD is extending the compliance date for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) and Housing Trust Fund (HTF), Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA), Emergency Solution Grants (ESG) and Continuum of Care (COC) programs (“CPD programs”) until October 1, 2024. The NSPIRE final rule, published May 11, 2023, initially required compliance for CPD programs to begin October 1, 2023. HUD is taking this action to allow jurisdictions, participants, and grantees additional time to incorporate HUD’s NSPIRE standards specific to their own programs and the flexibility to transition to NSPIRE under their own timelines.

The compliance date for other HUD programs, such as the Housing Choice and project-based voucher programs, has not changed, as the full list of deficiencies that apply to these programs under NSPIRE has already been published.

Entities administering HOPWA, ESG, or CoC projects that accept these vouchers may elect to adopt the new NSPIRE protocols as of the original compliance date of October 1, 2023, but will not be required to do so until October 1, 2024. In the coming weeks, HUD will publish a Notice with additional details about this extension, including a new date by which ESG, CoC, and HOPWA recipients must use these updated standards to inspect housing.