
Foundation Communities to open Affordable Housing in Mueller in 2019

Dec 19, 2018

Foundation Communities has laid the foundation for their latest affordable housing community in Mueller, opening in 2019! The Jordan will be located in the Mueller neighborhood in East Austin. This new community will provide 132 deeply affordable, service-rich homes for low-income families. The Jordan will feature housing for people making about 50 to 60 percent of the median family income, with 14 units reserved for families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The Jordan will be built using $13.5 million in low-income housing tax credits from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, plus $4 million provided by the City of Austin from its 2013 voter-approved housing bonds.

To be added to the The Jordan Interested List, please click here.

For questions, please contact Mandy Lewis at [email protected]

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