The TDHCA Board convened their July board meetings on July 8, 2021 and July 22, 2021. This meeting was held in a virtual format as authorized by Executive Order of the Governor. See below for a summary of the board actions.
July 8th Meeting Summary
1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on an order proposing new 10 TAC §1.8, Plan Requirements, Process, and Approval Criteria for Properties Designated for Camping by Political Subdivisions for Persons Experiencing Homelessness, and directing its publication for public comment in the Texas Register
- Board approves draft rule related to homeless camping areas in cities to be published in the Texas Register for public comment. This rule relates to House Bill 1925 passed by the 87th Texas Legislature during its regular session
Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the 2022 Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
- Board approves staff recommendation to approve the 2022 Regional Allocation Formula methodology. The formula utilizes appropriate statistical data to measure the affordable housing need and available resources in the 13 State Service Regions that are used for planning purposes.
Presentation, discussion, and possible action on adoption of the third substantial amendment to the 2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan: One-Year Action Plan relating to the Community Development Block Grant funding under the CARES Act; programming of CDBG CARES funds; authority to request waivers of HUD; and delegation of authority to the Department’s Executive Director to make awards to subrecipients
- TDHCA received $141M to prepare for COVID 19. The first amendment primary focus on rental assistance for people with disabilities; second amendment expanded services including home mortgage assistance; proposed third amendment will include food availability for non entitlement communities; includes legal services for these communities.
- Board approves staff recommendation to adopt the third amendment to the state’s Consolidated Plan, request appropriate waivers from HUD, and authorize the exec. dir. to make awards.Presentation, discussion, and possible action on adoption of the third substantial amendment to the 2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan: One-Year Action Plan relating to the Community Development Block Grant funding under the CARES Act; programming of CDBG CARES funds; authority to request waivers of HUD; and delegation of authority to the Department’s Executive Director to make awards to subrecipients
- TDHCA received $141M to prepare for COVID 19. The first amendment primary focus on rental assistance for people with disabilities; second amendment expanded services including home mortgage assistance; proposed third amendment will include food availability for non entitlement communities; includes legal services for these communities.
- Board approves staff recommendation to adopt the third amendment to the state’s Consolidated Plan, request appropriate waivers from HUD, and authorize the exec. dir. to make awards.
Presentation, discussion, and possible action on contracting with subrecipients and contractors to perform services for the Emergency Housing Voucher Program funded by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
- TDHCA has received 798 new housing choice vouchers for those experiencing homelessness or survivors of domestic violence. This number doubles current capacity and adds funds for services to encourage participation.
- Board approves staff recommendation to enter into contracts with Continuum of Care lead agencies and other entities for eligible activities using the Ending Homelessness Voucher Program funds.
Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Resolution No. 21-034 authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs 2021 Series A, Single Family Mortgage Revenue Bonds, and 2021 Series B Single Family Mortgage Revenue Refunding Bonds (Taxable), approving the form and substance of related documents, authorizing the execution of documents and instruments necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes of this resolution, and containing other provisions relating to the subject
- Board approves the bond resolution as part of staff recommendation on Item 8. On to Item 9a which is a report on the 2022-23 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) Planning Project.
a) 2022-23 Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) Planning Project Report
- No further action taken
b) Presentation, discussion and possible action on timely filed appeals
21116 Sweetwater Station Sweetwater
- This is a seniors only development, so school performance impact is limited.
- Discussion on discrepancy between rule and manual.
- Board approves appeal from applicant
21149 Residences at Alpha Dallas
- Concerns site control issue and developer fee deferral concerns
- Site changed from Houston to Dallas
- Deferring more than 50% of developer fee, which removes points for leveraging.
- Board approves staff recommendation to deny the scoring appeal.
21185 Weslaco Village Apartments Weslaco
- Discussion related to Concerted Revitalization Plan.
- Board approves the scoring appeal from the applicant
21230 Calle del Norte Apartments Laredo
- Richard Raymond comments: The city has not had an approved development since 2015. Issue concerns two school districts representing the same tract of property and uncertain district boundaries. Requests that applicant not be penalized since they worked with due diligence
- Board approves staff recommendation to deny the scoring appeal from application 21230
21259 Jackson Place Apartments Edinburg
- Board approves staff recommendation to deny the appeal from application 21259 Jackson Place Apartments in Edinburg.
July 22nd Meeting Summary
a) Executive Director’s Report Bobby Wilkinson Executive Director, TDHCA
b) Presentation, Discussion and Possible Approval of Direct Awards of Emergency Rental Assistance Funds to Select Recipients for Housing Stabilization Services
- Board approves staff recommendation on the housing stabilization services awards
a) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on State Fiscal Year 2021 Ending Homelessness Fund Awards
- The Ending Homelessness Fund was created in 2017 by the 85th Texas Legislature. Texans can contribute to this fund when they register their vehicles.
- Board approves staff recommendation to make the Ending Homelessness Fund awards.
b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on State Fiscal years 2020 and 2021 Homeless Housing and Services Program Reallocations and Extension Requests
- Board approves staff recommendation for the re-allocation of Housing and Homeless Services Program funds and associated extension requests.
c) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on State Fiscal Year 2022 Homeless Housing and Services Program Awards
- HHSP provides state funds to serve homeless populations to the state’s 9 largest cities.
- Board approves staff recommendation on Item 4c on the 2022 HHSP awards.
d) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the 2022-2023 Texas Housing Trust Fund Biennial Plan
- Board approves staff recommendation on Item 4d to submit the 2022-23 Housing Trust Fund biennial plan to the Texas Legislature.
Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding an increase to the Housing Tax Credit amount for Springs Apartments (HTC #18614)
- Item removed from agenda
a) Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding eligibility under 10 TAC §11.101(b)(1)(C) related to Ineligibility of Developments within Certain School Attendance Zones for Villas at Shriner’s Point (#21612) in San Angelo
- Board grants waiver request from Villas at Shriner’s Point (#21612) in San Angelo.
b) Presentation, discussion, and possible action on the Second Amendment to the 2021- 1 Multifamily Direct Loan Notice of Funding
- Board approves staff recommendation to approve the Second Amendment to the 2021-1 Multifamily Direct Loan Notice of Funding.
c) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding awards of Direct Loan funds from the 2021-1 Multifamily Direct Loan Notice of Funding Availability to 9% Housing Tax Credit Layered Applications
21114 The Reserves at Holdsworth
21131 Boulevard 61
- Board approves staff recommendation on the two Direct Loan awards.
d) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding timely filed appeals
21039 Uvalde Villas
- Board approves staff recommendation to grant the appeal from 21039 Uvalde Villas.
21136 Oaklawn Place
- Board decides to grant the appeal from 21136 Oaklawn Place
21185 Weslaco Village Apartments
- The Board votes to grant the appeal from the applicant 21185 Weslaco Village Apartments.
e) Presentation, discussion, and possible action confirming obligations for those properties recommended for an award of competitive low income housing tax credits that sought and were awarded one point for committing at least an additional 2% of the total Units to Persons referred from the Continuum of Care or local homeless service providers to be made available for those experiencing homelessness under 10 TAC §11.9(c)(6) related to Residents with Special Housing Needs
- Board approves staff recommendation on adopting the list of properties who have obligated a small number of units for the homeless
f) Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding awards from the 2021 State Competitive Housing Credit Ceiling and approval of the waiting list for the 2021 Competitive Housing Tax Credit Application Round
- Awards will total $84.8 million in housing tax credits to private developers constructing or rehabilitating 72 properties (5,177 units) across the state.
- Board approves the awards list and the waiting list for 2021 9% (competitive) housing tax credits.
- Updated list of awards and waiting list for the 2021Competitive HTC Application Round