The Qualified Allocation Plan and Rules Committee of the Governing Board of the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) will meet at 12 noon Austin local time on Thursday, July 7, 2022. The meeting will be held in Room JHR 140 of the John H. Reagan Building, 1400 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas. Please note that the start time of the meeting may be delayed until the conclusion of the TDHCA Governing Board meeting.

This will be an open, public meeting conducted under Tex. Gov’t Code, chapter 551, without COVID-19 emergency waivers. Masks will be available for members of the public who wish to attend this public meeting. There will NOT be a remote online or telephone option for public participation.

To access the agenda and details on each agenda item in the committee meeting book, click here or contact Michael Lyttle at [email protected] or 512-475-4542, and request the information.

Individuals who require auxiliary aids, services or sign language interpreters for this meeting should contact Nancy Dennis, at 512-475-3959 or Relay Texas at 1-800-735-2989, at least five days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Non-English speaking individuals who require interpreters for this meeting should contact Kathleen Castillo, 512-475-4144, at least five days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Personas que hablan espanol y requieren un interprete, favor de llamar a Kathleen Castillo, al siguiente numero 512-475-4144 por lo menos cinco dias antes de la junta para hacer los preparativos apropiados.