This will be an open, public meeting conducted under Tex. Gov’t Code, chapter 551, without COVID-19 emergency waivers. Masks will be available for members of the public who wish to attend this public meeting. There will NOT be a remote online or telephone option for public participation.
To access the agenda and details on each agenda item in the committee meeting book, click here or contact Michael Lyttle at [email protected] or 512-475-4542, and request the information.
Individuals who require auxiliary aids, services or sign language interpreters for this meeting should contact Nancy Dennis, at 512-475-3959 or Relay Texas at 1-800-735-2989, at least five days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Non-English speaking individuals who require interpreters for this meeting should contact Kathleen Castillo, 512-475-4144, at least five days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Personas que hablan espanol y requieren un interprete, favor de llamar a Kathleen Castillo, al siguiente numero 512-475-4144 por lo menos cinco dias antes de la junta para hacer los preparativos apropiados.