TAAHP Member Community Forum
Welcome to the TAAHP Community Forum. This forum is designed for TAAHP members to start conversations with other members. You can post questions about industry related topics that other members can respond to. When you make a post, members will receive an email indicating a post has been made and can respond to those posts.
Getting Started
- Click the name of one of the forum discussion categories below.
- On the a forum category page, if a topic has not yet been started, you can click the “add topic” button to create a topic. When posting your topic, members will receive an email with your post and will have the option to leave a reply. As the topic creator, you will receive an email with replies.
- SUBSCRIBE to Forum Categories. Click a category below, then click the “subscribe” link to receive email notifications when members create topics and posts within a category.
- Tip: To add your photo to your posts, upload your photo in your profile in your Member Compass™.
- If you have questions, would like to make a suggestion, add a discussion category, or need to report a problem? Email [email protected].