San Marcos City Council held a public hearing regarding a proposed Affordable Housing development to be built at 1430 Wonder World Drive. The development is seeking a “no objection” decision from Council for the purpose of an application for housing tax credits to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).
Council members are concerned about whether the development would remain affordable in the event the management company changes hands.
The City of San Marcos has set forth criteria in its Affordable Housing Policy. The proposed development meets five of the eight criteria. Criteria that has been met includes:
- No Exemption from local taxes is provided
- The proposed units address a housing need identified in this housing policy or in the city’s current consolidated plan for HUD programs.
- The project is located within a high or medium intensity zone on the preferred scenario map.
- The project is located within a half mile walking distance from services such as grocery, medical facilities and schools.
- The project is located within one quarter mile walking distance of a proposed or existing bus stop on a current or planned transit route.
The Council voted 7-0 to postpone the item for future discussion and consideration.