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2023 Rally Day at the Texas Capitol

Thank you to Our Sponsors

Blazer Building
DMA Companies
The NRP Group
Portfolio Resident Services
ARX Advantage
Zimmerman Properties
Shackelford Law
Tropicana Building
Streamline Advisory Partners
Saigebrook Development and O-SDA Industries
Anderson Development & Constructoin
Hilltop Securities
Mark-Dana Corporation

Sponsor TAAHP's Legislative Session Events

Event Description

Every other year when the Texas Legislature is in session, the Texas Affiliation of Affordable Housing Providers (TAAHP) hosts a Rally Day and reception in Austin, Texas. This in-person event is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at the Texas State Capitol.

Our goal is to bring together a coalition of housing advocates to ensure affordable housing communities are being developed at the highest quality level for low- to moderate-income individuals and families in Texas. This year’s Rally Day will bring legislators, TAAHP members, Housing Advocates, and Public & Private stakeholders to discuss legislative issues affecting the affordable housing industry in Texas.

We hope you can join us to share the new and changing story of affordable housing and help promote housing for all Texans.

Event Agenda:

Monday, March 20th @ Stephen F. Austin Hotel
5:30pm – 7:30pm Pre-Rally Day Member Mixer

Tuesday, March 21st @ Texas Capitol
8:30am – 10:30am – Breakfast & Required Training/Planning
10:30am – 12:30pm – Legislative Meetings
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch
1:30pm – 4:00pm – Legislative Meetings


Did you miss the free webinar on January 13th to learn more about TAAHP’s 88th Legislative Session Priorities. TAAHP Members & Rally Day Registrants can watch it by clicking here.

Do You Have Multiple Business Addresses? Know a Legislator? Donated to a Legislator?

Click here to tell us who you have connections with and name up to 5 business addresses in different congressional districts (offices or properties you own). When TAAHP initiates a campaign, any legislator you identify as a key relationship with or who represents the areas where you do business will receive your message — expanding the reach of the campaign beyond where you live. Our goal is to identify the power supporters in our database whose unique relationships with legislators or staffers can help move the needle on TAAHP’s issues.

TAAHP’s Advocacy Center enables TAAHP’s legislative team to implement a coordinated communications and grassroots advocacy campaign through email, e-newsletters, and alert messages and is where members can quickly and easily participate in the legislative process.

Event Details

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